For more information, please call: 215-921-9200 or email us at

Adult Autism Waiver (AAW)

caregiver with elderly womanThe Adult Autism Waiver is for adults aged 21 and over who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It is a Home and Community Based Services Medicaid waiver designed to provide long term care and support services that will enable these individuals to be integrated into their respective communities. As care providers, we believe that having ASD should not hinder a person from functioning productively and independently.

We have a network of care coordinators and care providers who will provide behavioral support services that include, but are not limited to:

  • Temporary Supplemental Services
  • Transitional Work
  • Respite
    • In-Home Respite
    • Out-of-Home Respite
  • Community Inclusion
  • Family Training
  • Self-Help and Adaptive Skills Training
  • Career Planning
  • Residential Habilitation
  • Selected Therapies
    • Occupational
    • Speech
    • Language Pathology
    • Counseling

Do you know anyone who might benefit from the Adult Autism Waiver? Please refer them to us. You can reach our care coordinators at 215-921-9200.